• Preparing for Google Universal Analytics Last Goodbye

    With all of the exciting changes that digital marketers have seen over the past few years, we now find ourselves facing yet another digital shakeup – Google Analytics is saying goodbye to its much-loved Universal Analytics system and beginning the switch over to the latest offering, Google Analytics 4. In this post, we at The…

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  • Using Email Marketing To Become ‘Top Of Mind’ To Consumers

    Email marketing can be an extremely effective way to ensure you remain top of mind with consumers and build your brand recognition. As technology continues to evolve and people are inundated with emails daily, there is no doubt that utilizing an effective email marketing strategy is an essential component to remain relevant and successful. …

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  • Why Acknowledging Customer Feedback and Reviews Matters for Your Digital Marketing Plan

    Closing the Customer Feedback LoopDigital avenues of access between businesses and their customers are plentiful these days, and no matter what your business sells, customer feedback and reviews matter now more than ever.  Making the most of these interactions is an essential part of any savvy digital marketing strategy, as two-thirds of online consumers say they reference…

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